My passport has Expired! What Next?

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To keep a check on the expiry date of your passport is a good practice. You can always start the procedures well in advance to avoid last-minute hassles. When you want to renew your passport, you are required to submit your old passport with other documents for processing. Your old passport will be then stamped with ‘cancelled’. It will be returned to you along with your new passport.

A very common question that travellers have in mind is that what is to be done with the old passport? We highly recommend that keep your old passport safe with you. It is an important document containing your official information. Many people have the mindset of destroying their old passport considering it as outdated. This is usually done to avoid the document going in wrong hands or to escape maintenance hassles of such a document.  

We would like to share the important point of how to maintain an expired passport.

The expired Passport is still an official proof of your identity

Your passport still carries vital information about you like your name, picture, address and date of birth. These are information which can be doctored or misused for illegal purposes. The expired passport is an official document which the authority of your country has issued in your name. It is an ongoing record of yours in your country.

Your expired Passport is still holding valid Visas

For frequent travellers, it is important to note that you will be having a lot of visas stamped on your expired passport. Those visas might be valid. Most countries require you to renew your visas once your passport renews. Other countries will allow you to travel on the old passport with valid visas. The existing valid visas remain valid and will serve as an access document while you travel, even in your expired passport.

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